I’m really bummed! I’ve had my eye on this bag forever, and it’s just not what I expected. The ad and other reviews make it seem like it holds so much despite its size. I felt like I couldn’t even fill all the pockets without it being hard to zip closed. My wallet is SUPER thin, and the magnetic front wouldn’t even stay shut with my wallet in it. It was a tight squeeze for 3 diapers, a smallllllll pack of wipes, a very slim changing pad, a pre made 8oz formula bottle, a small travel size diaper rash spray & travel size stain remover, travel hand sani, and dog poo bags for dirty diapers. I put a few toys in there to top it off and it just didn’t close nicely. I even left some pockets empty. I don’t know how these people are fitting extra changes of clothes on top of what I put in there. Plus, when I wore it, it tilted backwards on my back and didn’t sit comfortably. Back to my $20 target backpack I go lol